Start your Journey to Zero for a sustainable future

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This is how you will succeed in reducing CO2 emissions all the way to climate neutrality.

Start your Journey to Zero for a sustainable future

The growing importance of corporate social responsibility, the more efficient use of resources or increasing competitive pressure - the drivers for more sustainability are complex. Legal requirements and guidelines that are intended to lead to EU-wide climate neutrality are increasing the pressure on companies. With our modular services, Materna supports companies on their Journey to Zero, towards climate neutrality - we accompany and advise with targeted, individual solutions.


Making sustainability simple

Numerous requirements and expectations increase the complexity of the topic of sustainability for companies. Be it requirements by the legislator, customers and suppliers, or the expectations of employees.

Our strategic consulting clarifies open questions and gives you orientation: What are the starting points for your company? What are the quick wins and how do they contribute to a long-term strategy?

CSR Report

Efficiently prepare CSR report and carbon footprint

From 2023, companies in Germany with 250 or more employees are required to prepare an annual CSR report. This means that all corporate divisions must record, bundle, evaluate and prepare all data on CO2 emissions. Every year anew. Manually compiling and preparing this data ties up enormous resources and is also prone to errors.

We offer integrated partner solutions for CO2 balancing as well as CSR reporting, with which you can reduce your efforts in the long term and conserve resources.

Supply Chain

Transparent supply chain

From 2023, companies with more than 3,000 employees will be subject to a special due diligence obligation - from 2024, this will also apply to companies with more than 1,000 employees. The due diligence obligation includes, among other things, complaint procedures, risk management and the presentation of supplier lists. Structured processes, the commitment of resources and the associated costs are the basic requirements for complying with the transparent supply chain. At the same time, the pressure of impending fines weighs heavily on companies that fail to comply with due diligence.

We accompany companies throughout the entire process of the transparent supply chain: from data collection and analysis, to the establishment of guidelines, to due diligence audits and consulting for individual software solutions.

CO2 Reduction

CO2 reduction through digitization of processes

Offsetting CO2 is an option for optimizing the CO2 balance. Offset projects must be carried out annually. In the long term, this approach becomes time-consuming and cost-intensive, as it has to be repeated annually while the supply situation remains opaque.

Whether a digital twin for manufacturing, optimized route planning as a mobility solution, improved energy management for buildings or simply the optimization of processes to reduce costs - there are numerous starting points in various industries for reducing CO2 by digitizing processes. We accompany organizations from consulting to implementation to long-term hosting so that you can fully exploit your sustainable digitization potential.

Compensation Projects

Complementary, transparent compensation projects

Carbon dioxide cannot be completely reduced in the future either, especially in CO2-intensive sectors of the economy - despite the ambitious goals of companies, agreements, laws and contracts. Accordingly, offsetting projects offer themselves as a supplement to reducing measures. The market for potential solutions is large and thus hardly manageable.

In order to make the best possible selection from suitable offset projects, we broker partner solutions for a wide range of projects, which are presented transparently on a platform.

Sustainable Employer

Sustainable, attractive employer

Sustainability is an important factor not only for organizations themselves, but also for their attractiveness as a modern employer. How can employees be taken along on the Journey to Zero in a targeted manner, or at the individual starting points?

We use targeted measures to support change management toward greater sustainability within the company. A good example of this are employee apps that invite employees to take part in sustainability challenges, engage them and at the same time accompany the change process in a playful way.

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