Internet of Things

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Internet of Things (IoT)

Benefit from Materna’s technology expertise to develop your business processes and open up new markets.

Internet of Things

More efficiency, digital products and data-driven business models: The Internet of Things (IoT) is the stuff of miracles. Around a third of companies here are currently working on projects to make services more intelligent and future oriented. Materna offers these companies numerous solutions to deploy IoT technologies and get the most out of their data.

Materna’s consultants have been involved in numerous IoT projects to date and have derived four fields of action: transparency, automation, forecasting and new business models. Among other things, the technology can help to collect measurements, make predictions and improve service, but it also provides the basis for developing new business models that link physical and digital worlds together.

The range of applications where IoT technologies come into their own is extensive and diverse. They offer many companies the opportunity to rethink their existing business models. Sometimes it is not even necessary to invent something completely new – it is often possible to generate new paid services using existing processes and monetizing data analysis. Materna consultants will be happy to assist you in identifying the potential for your organisation.

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