Internet of Things (IoT) in Customer Service Management

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Digitalization impacts on customer service

Boost your customer service with technologies such as Internet of Things and Industry 4.0

Internet of Things (IoT) in Customer Service Management

Data are worth their weight in gold if they are used correctly. The Internet of Things (IoT) really comes into its own here. Derive important insights for your customer service from the data you have collected and integrate the data directly in your applications. Materna will advise you and help your customer service and after sales to get the most out of your data by deploying IoT solutions.

How can digitalization impact on your customer service?

The Internet of Things (IoT) and the analysis of data can have a massive influence on your customer service and really give it a boost. Artificial intelligence and machine learning also shift knowledge management up another gear. New business models are based on services, and they need professional customer service management. Changing customer structures with fewer and/or larger customers lead to proportionately scaled impacts due to downtime or optimizations.

When deploying IoT technologies, sensors collect the data directly at the machines, devices or systems. Machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) methods are then used to evaluate the data to ensure you get the most out of them.

Above all, it is customer services, after sales, sales and marketing which call out for the deployment of intelligent technologies such as machine learning and image and voice recognition.

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