GRIP² - Sustainable growth and innovation until 2027

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GRIP² is our growth strategy for the coming years.

GRIP² - Sustainable growth and innovation until 2027

For over 40 years, the Materna Group has embodied digitalization, innovation and progress. Our dedicated employees, loyal customers and reliable partners are the heart of our group of companies and together form #TeamMaterna. Together, we are shaping a digital world in a spirit of partnership, success-oriented and sustainable. GRIP² represents our strategic direction until 2027, which builds on the successes of Mission 2025. This new strategy defines additional fields of action and sets ambitious targets: By 2027, we are aiming for a turnover of one billion euros and a market-leading position in the field of artificial intelligence.


With GRIP2, we are focusing on five central priorities. These are aimed at optimally exploiting the promising market opportunities through continuous innovation, the development of new markets and the effective use of synergies within the Materna Group.

These are the fields of action and goals of our strategy in detail:

Growth: We want to continue to grow above market level and achieve sales of one billion euros and 7,500 satisfied employees by 2027.

Retention (employee loyalty): We are placing increased focus on retaining and developing employees, including further development and targeted talent promotion.

Innovation: As one of the leading providers in the field of AI, we are strengthening our innovative power by testing new AI technologies and expanding our technological expertise.

Processes (process optimization): We are modernizing internal structures and processes. This includes an integrated platform for all Group members in order to manage growth effectively.

Profit (profitable management): Increased sales and cost-conscious management enable sustainable growth.

Our nine focus areas are the tactical levers of our strategy: Group-wide Materna services become more tangible for the market.

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